Monday, 31 October 2011

White Knight Associates on BMV part 3

The best way to buy BMV

White Knight Associates think the best way to buy a BMV is to purchase a property at auction. Recently a Client of White Knight Associates has been trying to sell the most problematic property in his portfolio. It has suffered from the glut of new apartments. Two years ago it would have let in a couple of weeks. Now, despite several rent reductions I have only just got a tenant. Previous to that he had it for sale but had little or no interest.

Therefore, in considering its’ future within his portfolio He thought he would look at all options including trying to dispose of it at auction. Following some very astute and helpful advice he was told that the price he was likely to get given the glut on the market would not really reflect its’ true investment value. Fortunately, He does not need the cash and had decided to retain the property as a ‘cash cow’

White Knight Associates on BMV part 2

White Knight Associates explains how you could Increase your returns On BMV

It’s not rocket science to assert that the starting point for buying a good investment is buying something that is below its’ true value.

Buying a property at 5...10…15% below value is a great start to your investment. Securing a £100k property for £90k will for example increase your returns by over 5.5% pa during a 25 year investment. This is because the equity you put in and your loan costs are less in relation to its’ capital value.

Below Market Value (BMV)

White Knight Associates have found that some buy-to-let chatrooms are full of references and of individuals promising to sell BMV. Our advice is steer clear of these, particularly if you are a newbie landlord or don’t know the area. People selling on these sites are not doing it out of charity and the likelihood is that they will know the market and their properties value better than you will. This puts you immediately at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiating a good deal.

Friday, 28 October 2011

White Knight Associates explains what BMV is Part 1

White Knight Associates believe the theory behind BMV is simple, yet sometimes something difficult to grasp, however, once mastered this is a tool that can be used over and over again effectively.

What is BMV?

BMV stands for below market value, so typically a bmv deal consists of a property that is 25-30% below market value which is easily done as long as you are hard working and open minded.

So how do you get started with BMV? Finding a target area where BMV will work is always a good beginning and this can be done by looking on the demographics for your area. You want to target the grade D-E areas, as these work best with BMV deals.

Marketing for deals usually consists of leafleting, sourcing from Estate Agents, the internet and sometimes word of mouth. Obviously there are more ways of sourcing deals for BMV, and you can be as creative as you like and think out of the box ideology. You want to send out at the very least 20,000 leaflets and this can be done easily by sourcing someone else to do this for you, as your time is money.

As mentioned before, for a below market value deal, it is ideal to get a property that is 25% below current market value, so that you do not have to put any of your own money into the purchasing of the property and it is always good to get a reasonable amount of cash back from the deal and a positive monthly cash flow.

For more information please visit our website
Or speak to one of our consultants 02033847230

White Knight Associates writes about the benefits of companies reducing their Carbon foot print.

White Knight Associates believe that by offsetting your business's carbon footprint you are making a positive, tangible statement to your employees, customers, suppliers and shareholders. Like you, they are all affected by climate change and will be more attracted, and loyal to, businesses which are committed to caring for the environment.

Green companies tend to be better managed, more efficient and more profitable than their rivals. Many of the most successful ones now recognise the clear business benefits of addressing environmental issues.

So what is Carbon Offsetting?
Everyday actions like driving a car, heating your home and office, transporting goods and even using your computer use energy and produce greenhouse gas emissions (such as carbon dioxide) which contribute to climate change.

You can compensate for your unavoidable emissions by buying carbon credits from an internationally verified project that makes an equivalent greenhouse gas saving. This is called ‘carbon offsetting’.

Is this a ‘cure’ for climate change?

Offsetting your carbon footprint will not reverse the effects already caused by your carbon dioxide emissions. The harm to the environment caused by these emissions cannot be undone. However, by saving an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide elsewhere, you can help to minimise the total global emissions.

For more information please visit our website

Thursday, 27 October 2011

White Knight Associates say: Go Green all the cool companies are doing it!

For about 40 years, companies have been making efforts to go green. Going green is often mistaken for “environmentally friendly,” when in fact it’s more like “not particularly harmful to the environment” or “environmentally neutral.” There isn’t much you can do that will actually improve the condition of the environment, so many experts say that we shouldn’t get caught up in that line of thinking.
These tips can help companies like you become "Green"

1.Make communications electronic. Keep communications with employees, clients and other businesses via email or phone to reduce the amount spent on paper and make a lighter carbon footprint.

2.“Add a line in every email you send, requesting the receiver to print the mail only if absolutely necessary.” This is a tidbit from Krishna Mohan Roa D (via LinkedIn) that could also improve the security of emails you send.  Kill two birds with one stone by discouraging others from printing your emails.  Krishna suggests fancying it up with a green tree image.

3.Use a tablet connected to your computer for signing documents. Many businesses, including White Knight Associates require signed contracts or other documents.  Often, we generate and send proposals electronically, and our clients need to print them, sign them, and then scan and email them.  Tablets cost as little as £50 (decent ones start at just £100) and will prove worth the money to save paper and time!

4.Invest in an all-in-one printer that does duplex printing. These very quickly become worth the money.  All-in-ones have had a bad reputation, but they’re being made quite well these days, and duplex printing cuts out approximately half of the paper you’d normally use.  I got my duplex all-in-one printer on sale for only about £150

5.Save money with recycled ink cartridges. This is one area where there is no initial investment – and going green is actually much cheaper!  I’ve bought packs of two ink cartridges from the Amazon Marketplace for under $8 (compared to $ 16 for a single brand name cartridge) and am still impressed with the quality!  Regardless of which brand you buy, be sure to recycle your empty cartridges.

Source: Lymelight

White Knight Associates hope you have found this article interesting if you require any more information please visit our website or alternatively contact us on 02033847230 to speak to one of our consultants.

White Knight Associates on Management Consultancy

White Knight Associates can help clients formulate their business and functional strategies. WKA can ensure they are realistic and practical to implement. Equally the world does not stand still once a strategy is defined, so in addition to providing hands on project management resource to support delivery, the White Knight Associates will maintain a strategic perspective to continually check the priorities and maintain strategic alignment White Knight Associates will provide support at any stage in the life cycle of business change, from conception of strategy to maturity of benefits.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

White Knight Associates tackles FAQ's on Capital Allowances.

Shouldn't my accountant have claimed these already?

Capital allowances are a specialised area, particularly in the gap between "obviously movable" and "obviously immovable" assets. Recent cases have clarified what can and what cannot be claimed, but up to 96% of accountants and their clients are still unaware of the opportunities.

Is this 100% legal?


How do I know whether my accountant has already claimed these allowances?

Has your accountant been round your property making detailed notes, a detailed inspection, and taking dozens( possibly hundreds) of photographs? If the answer is "no", you can be sure you have a valid claim to make.

I don't want to upset HMRC

Nor do we. If we acted in anyway questionably, we would soon be out of business. We have an established relationship with HMRC based on mutual understanding. Their role is to collect all taxes that are due, by applying the law in a consistent and fair manner. Case law has already established clear lines between what can and what cannot be claimed. We only identify claims that are strictly within the law and will be agreed by HMRC -provided your case is presented in the correct, approved manner. Throughout the process our specialist advisers will handle your claim for you, in collaboration with your accountant.

Will this take up much of my time?

We require only basic information from you; then we do all the work. When our surveyor visits the property they will glean most of the information they require: you actually need to provide very little.

This looks too good to be true.

There are no hidden catches. Your agreement with us is " no report - no fee".
We won't earn a penny unless we can identify at least £25000 of genuinely claimable capital allowances for you or your company.

What if you find me £24999 of claimable allowance?

Our promise is clear. If we do not find you additional claimable allowances of  £25000 or more, you owe us nothing. To be quite clear about this, you will not owe a penny to anyone: you can keep our report free or charge.

I own a small office block which I bought a few years ago. Is it now too late to claim these allowances?

No, it's very rarely too late. It is normally possible to claim missed allowances going back many years, often to when a property was originally acquired.
What are plant & machinery assets?

These are items which qualify for tax relief, and include such diverse items as sanitary ware, kitchen installations and heating installations.

Does claiming capital allowances reduce the value of my properties?

No, you have a right to claim capital allowances and, whether you claim them or not, they are not taken into account when property is valued for commercial or accounting purposes.

Will claiming capital allowances have an effect on my capital gains tax position, if I sell my property?

It is a common misunderstanding that claiming capital allowances somehow reduces your net purchase price, thereby increasing your capital gain tax liability. This is completely false. The tax legislation and HMRC guidelines make it clear that capital allowances will not increase a capital gain.

What is the annual investment allowance?

The AIA is available for most expenditure on plant or machinery, and the tax payer is free to allocate their AIA against plant machinery expenditure in anyway they choose. This is an area where White Knight Associates can help you and your accountant make the most appropriate allocation.


Source: PTC

For further information please contact White Knight Associates on 02033847230

Or check out our website and request a call back from one of our consultants.

White Knight Associates Capital Allowances


White Knight Associates work with Portal Tax Claims who are professional experts in the field of Capital Allowances and are widely recognised as one of the industry leaders. The company works extensively with some of the UK's largest IFA, Accountancy, Property and Legal networks to provide surveys and tax reports on commercial properties resulting in hundreds of millions of pounds being claimed.

If you own a commercial building, which includes HMOs, there is a 96% chance that you qualify for a substantial income tax or corporation tax refund.

A Capital Allowance claim is a retrospective or current claim based on the original purchase price and refurbishment costs of a building. It is not a contentious tax avoidance scheme or loophole but is based on established UK statutory law dating back to 1878. Applicants are not "guinea pigs" since thousands of cases have already been submitted and paid out.

We offer a risk free service and if we fail to identify at least £25,000 of claimable allowances you will owe us nothing and we will give you our report free of charge.

At PTC's expense we will ensure that you qualify for a claim, implement a professional survey of the building and develop an effective report in a format that HMRC find acceptable.

Should the report be challenged we will defend the claim at our own expense for the maximum required time of 6 years.

We provide a range fee structures to suit the differing needs of our clients  

For more information please contact us on 02033847230 or visit our website

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

How to become a capital allowances agent for White Knight Associates today!

You may be an Accountant, an Independent Financial Adviser, a Property Agent, a Letting Agent – or anyone who can spot a great opportunity and is prepared to work at it to achieve results.

Whoever you are, if you are shrewd enough to see the potential in this market, we would like to talk to you. The sooner you get in touch, the sooner you can be earning commission.

We’ve all heard of Mr 10%, but how about Mr 96%?

Although at White Knight Associates we can’t offer that level of commission, we are reliably informed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs’s external consultants that in 96% of all transactions that could attract capital allowances, no claim has yet been made. Let me put that in perspective…

If you visit your local industrial estate with 100 office buildings and factory and warehouse units, it is likely that 96 of them are owed a substantial tax refund by HMRC.

That’s an enormous market with everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. Do you think you could persuade them to accept a free NO REPORT – NO FEE survey? Then make a claim?

If yes we want to hear from you today.

Please see our website for further information or speak to one of our angency managers to discuss on 02033847230

White Knight Associates brings you the benefits of investing in solar panels


Switching from sole reliance on fossil fuels to green energy technologies such as solar panels and heat pumps could earn you up to £1,000 a year tax free, for 25 years guaranteed.

By installing new government- incentivised micro generation systems, UK home owners can now get paid with the feed in tariffs for the power they generate using PV solar panels, in addition to the savings made from energy bills.

Solar panels have become a more attractive proposition as energy suppliers continue to increase their charges domestically and commercially.

Ofgem are now warning us to expect at least a 20% electricity price hike by 2020, and also advised that future supplies were in jeopardy because of peak oil problems. Scottish Power has been the most recent energy company to begin this upward trend, announcing its intention to amplify the price of gas by 19% and electricity by 10%.

For more information on solar panels please go to our contact us page at:

Monday, 24 October 2011

White Knight Associates on Commercial property tax claims.

If you own a UK commercial property there is an estimated 96% chance that you qualify for tax relief.

White Knight Associates work on a No Report – No Fee Basis.

This is our process for the claim:

1. You can request a call back to discuss your claim

2. Capital Allowances are explained to you and we give an illustration of the tax benefits

3. You sign an agreement with us to start the claim process on your behalf.

4. White Knight Associates act as the introducer we hand you over to our claims department and they start the validation process to assess if a valid claim can be made on your property

5. PTC creates a report that is in a HMRC approved format.

Author: White Knight Associates

For more information please contact White Knight Associates

White Knight Associates speaks about capital allowances and why are they being over looked?

The answer is twofold. Capital allowances focus on a highly specialist area of the tax system and so it is no reflection on the professionalism or diligence of accountants that some allowances are not being claimed.

White Knight Associates reports: Capital allowances are costs that businesses incur that can be reclaimed against tax as defined by the Capital Allowances Act 2001. They cover a wide range of commercial property from hotels, retail, industrial and multi-let properties and there are surprisingly few exclusions, such as if the owner is a charity or pension fund, and just a handful of qualifying criteria stating that the owner must be a UK taxpayer, but this includes individual, LLPs, PLCs and Ltd companies.

For more information please contact White Knight Associates.

Why is such an important opportunity being over looked? By White Knight Associates

One of the main messages regarding capital allowances is that this is neither a tax avoidance scheme nor a recent loophole that HMRC are unaware of and will regard with suspicion. The primary aim of the UK statutory law dating back to 1878 was to allow commercial property owners to improve their property and the provision of this benefit holds as true today as it did then. The law has been revised and refined over recent years and was simplified in a major way in 1971 to eliminate burdensome record-keeping and computational requirements; a further simplification in 1984 saw the elimination of initial and first year allowances, among others. Further revisions followed in 1990 and the current legislation we are working to is the Capital Allowance Act 2001.

Author Shaun Murphy PTC

White Knight Associates act as an introducing agent to PTC.

For more information please contact White Knight Associates